• Cluedo Junior Board Game

    Players roll the die to see if they can move their character, look under other character pawns, or peek under furniture tokens for clues. Kids can play detective, marking the detective notepad as they find clues, eliminate choices, and eventually solve the mystery. The game features classic Clue characters: Miss Scarlett, Col. Mustard, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Prof. Plum, and Dr. Orchid. Time for an accusation? Go for it! A correct accusation wins the game.

    Mystery Game For Children – Cluedo Game With A Twist For Younger Children.

    Who Ate The Cake – Players Discover Who Took The Last Piece Of Cake.

    Featuring Dr Orchid Character – Genius Biologist With A Sweet Tooth.

    Keep Track Of Clues – Detective Notes Help Players Keep Track Of Clues.

  • The Rivals For Catan Card Game

    Each player portrays a prince for Catan, developing their individual provinces and competing to build a more successful province than the other. The basic mode of play is similar to the original Catan Card Game, where players expand their provinces by building settlements connected by roads. Players may also build expansions in their settlements that aid them in various ways, or upgrade their settlements to cities to allow more expansions to be built. They build these additions by using resources that they accumulate each turn, which are determined by the roll of a die. Cards are drawn on each turn to replenish the players’ hands. The players may also use action cards that directly affect either their own province or their opponent’s province.

    The Rivals for Catan features a reduced pool of cards, without the more aggressive style of action cards found in the original Catan Card Game. Therefore, all action cards will be able to be used from the beginning of the game unlike in the original card game

  • 7 Wonders Board Game (Base Game)

    You are the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World. Gather resources, develop commercial routes, and affirm your military supremacy. Build your city and erect an architectural wonder which will transcend future times.

    7 Wonders lasts three ages. In each age, players receive seven cards from a particular deck, choose one of those cards, then pass the remainder to an adjacent player. Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying resources if needed or collecting resources or interacting with other players in various ways. (Players have individual boards with special powers on which to organize their cards, and the boards are double-sided). Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age. After three ages, the game ends

  • Buffalo Games Wanderlust – 1500 Jigsaw Puzzle

    Have you recently had the urge to travel? To get away from it all. Witness people in their moments of wanderlust, as they swim, climb, bike all in the effort to explore this vast world. This 1,500 piece-jigsaw puzzle is titled Wanderlust and is by Buffalo Games. Every Buffalo Games jigsaw puzzle is manufactured from recycled puzzle board. A precision cutting technique guarantees that every piece will fit soundly with the company’s signature Perfect Snap. A bonus puzzle poster is also included so that you have a handy reference of what the completed puzzle should look like while you put yours together.

  • Ravensburger Cozy Retreat 500 Piece Large Format Jigsaw Puzzle For Adult

    What you get – 500 piece Ravensburger large format jigsaw puzzles for adults are crafted with premium quality, in terms of both content and material, and have a completed size of 27″ x 20″

    Every piece is unique – None of the frustrations you find with other puzzle brands With Ravensburger, every individual piece has a completely unique shape
    Makes a great gift – Puzzles are a fun activity to do alone or in a group, and make a great gift for all ages at birthdays and holidays.

  • The book you wish your parent had read by Phillipa Perry

    In this absorbing, clever and funny book, renowned psychotherapist Philippa Perry tells us what really matters and what behaviour it is important to avoid – the vital dos and don’ts of parenting.

    Instead of mapping out the ‘perfect’ plan, Perry offers a big-picture look at the elements that lead to good parent-child relationships. This refreshing, judgement-free book will help you to:

    · Understand how your own upbringing may affect your parenting
    · Accept that you will make mistakes and learn what you can do about them
    · Break negative cycles and patterns
    · Handle your own and your child’s feelings
    · Understand what different behaviours communicate

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